
Cintan Happy Family Noodles
Download RecipeIngredientsInstruction
- 3 pcs Cintan Non Fried Noodles
- 6 tbsps cooking oil
- 3 shallots (sliced)
- 2 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
- 2 tbsps Yeo’s Sweet Yellow Bean Paste
- 100g chicken meat (sliced and marinated with ¼ tsp cornflour )
- 100g prawns (shelled & tail left intact marinated with ¼ tsp salt & sugar)
- 100g fish cake (julienned)
- 3 stalks mustard green“choy sum” (cut into 3 cm lengths)
- ¼ cup bean sprouts (tails trimmed)
Seasoning Stock
- ½ cup water + 1 tsp chicken stock powder
- ½ tsp Yeo’s Dark Soya Sauce
- 1 tbsp Yeo’s Light Soya Sauce
- 1 tsp sugar
- ¼ tsp ground white pepper or to taste
- salt to taste
Some shallot crisps, red chilli (sliced) & coriander leaves
初十三 阖家欢乐(娘惹炒面)
- Cintan风干面3 块
- 食油 6 汤匙
- 小葱头 3 粒(切片)
- 蒜头 2 瓣(剁碎)
- Yeo’s 甜豆酱 2 汤匙
- 鸡肉100克(切片后以 ¼ 茶匙粟米粉腌妥)
- 虾 100 克(去壳留尾、以 ¼ 茶匙盐和糖腌妥)
- 鱼饼 100 克(切条)
- 菜心 3 棵(切 3 公分段)
- 豆芽 ¼ 杯(去根)
- 清水½杯 + 鸡粉 1 茶匙
- Yeo’s 晒油 ½ 茶匙
- Yeo’s 生抽 1 汤匙
- 白糖 1 茶匙
- 白胡椒粉 ¼ 茶匙或适量
- 盐适量
- Soak Cintan Non Fried Noodles in water till soft then drain.
- Heat oil and fry the shallots until crispy, set aside.
- Using the same oil, cook garlic until light brown. Add in Yeo’s Sweet Yellow Bean Paste and stir for 1-2 minutes until fragrant.
- Add in sliced chicken meat, prawns, fish cake &choy sum. Continue to stir fry for 30 seconds with high heat. Then add seasoning stock.
- Once it boils, add noodles. Adjust seasonings to taste. Add in bean sprouts and turn off heat immediately.
- Decorate fried noodles with garnishing ingredients and serve with some Kerabu pineapple and cucumber.
Kerabu Pineapple & Cucumber Ingredients
- ½ pineapple, 1 cucumber, 3-5 tbsps sambal belachan, Calamansi lime juice to taste, sugar to taste
To Prepare Kerabu Pineapple & Cucumber
- Cut the cucumber and pineapple into cubes. Before serving, add in sambalbelachan, sugar and Calamansi lime juice to taste.
Sambal Belachan Ingredients
- 6-8 fresh red chilli, 2 bird’s eye chilli, 1 tbsp ‘belachan’ (toasted)
To Prepare Sambal Belachan
- In an electric blender, blend all sambal belachan ingredients together. Keep in refrigerator until needed.
- Cintan风干面浸水至软,沥干。
- 起锅热油,爆小葱头至酥脆,沥油备用。
- 用爆小葱头的油把蒜茸爆香至微黄,加入Yeo’s 甜豆酱,炒 1-2 分钟至香。
- 加入鸡肉片、虾、鱼饼及菜心,大火炒约 30 秒钟后加入调味汁。
- 煮滚后加入面条炒匀,然后加入适量调味料及豆芽拌匀,熄火。
- 用装饰料装饰炒面,配腌漬黄梨青瓜吃。
- 黄梨½粒、青瓜1条、叁峇峇拉煎 3-5 汤匙、桔子汁、白糖各适量
- 把黄梨和青瓜切成丁,吃前拌入叁峇峇拉煎,以桔子汁和糖适量调味即可。
- 6-8 条红辣椒、2 条指天椒、1 汤匙峇拉煎(烤香)
- 用电动搅拌器把所有材料研磨至细即可,收入冰箱待用。