
Cintan Happy-Go-Lucky Noodles
Download RecipeIngredientsInstruction
- 2 pcs Cintan Non Fried Noodles
- 4 large prawns
- 4 slices ginger
- 30g carrot (cut into desired shapes)
- 2 Chinese mushrooms (soaked and sliced)
- 2 leaves Chinese cabbage (thickly cut)
- 1 stalk spring onion (cut into sections)
- 5 snow peas (halved)
- 1 tsp Shao Hsing Chinese wine
Sauces Ingredients
- 375ml water
- 2 tbsps abalone scallop sauce
- ¼ tsp salt
- ¼ tsp pepper
- 1 tbsp sesame oil
- 1 tbsp sesame oil
- 1 tsp sugar
- ½ tsp Yeo’s Light Soya Sauce
- ¼ tsp Yeo’s Dark Soya Sauce
Thickening – Combine
2 tbsps cornflour, 50ml water
初三 笑口常开(金旦生虾面)
- Cintan风干面 2 块
- 大虾4只
- 姜4片
- 红萝卜 30 克(切块)
- 香菇 2 朵(浸泡切丝)
- 黄芽白 2 片(切粗丝)
- 青葱 1 棵(切段)
- 甜豆5条(切半)
- 绍兴花雕酒1茶匙
- 清水 375 毫升
- 干贝鲍鱼酱 2 汤匙
- 盐 ¼茶匙
- 胡椒粉¼茶匙
- 麻油1汤匙
- 白糖1茶匙
- Yeo’s 生抽 ½茶匙
- Yeo’s 晒油 ¼茶匙
勾芡 – 混合
粟米粉2汤匙、清水 50 毫升
- Bring water to a boil. Put in a few drops of sesame oil and a pinch of salt. Add Cintan Non Fried Noodles; cook for about 3 minutes or until al dente. Drain throughly.
- 2. Heat a little oil in a non-stick pan. Add half portion of prepared Cintan Non Fried Noodles. Use chopsticks to spread them out of the edges of the pan until the noodles are lightly browned at the bottom. Add a little more oil and flip over and brown the other side. Transfer the noodles onto a serving plate. Repeat with the remaining half of the noodles.
- Heat sesame oil in a wok. Sautè ginger and spring onion till fragrant. Drizzle in Shao Hsing Chinese wine. Add in mushrooms, carrot, Chinese cabbage and prawns, stir-fry briefly.
- Pour in water, sauce ingredients and snow peas and bring it to a boil.
- Add in thickening and pour the gravy over the pre-fried noodles. Sprinkle with chopped spring onion and red chilli, if desired.
- 煮一锅水,加入少许麻油和盐,把 Cintan 风干面川烫 3 分钟至刚熟,盛出滤干水。
- 用不黏锅热少许油,放入半份 Cintan 风干面,以筷子整理成圆形,煎至微黄。然后再滴少许油,反转再煎至微黄色,取出放在碟子里。
- 另外起锅热麻油,把姜和青葱爆香,灒入花雕酒,加入香菇、红萝卜、大白菜及虾炒均。
- 倒入清水、酱汁材料及甜豆,大火煮滚。
- 加入勾芡水勾芡至稠,然后淋在面饼上,再撒上青葱粒和红辣椒粒装饰。