
Cintan Longevity Salad
Download RecipeIngredientsInstruction
- 2 pcs Cintan Non Fried Noodles (boiled & drained)
- 2 cloves garlic (chopped)
- 2 tbsps cooking oil
- 3 pcs dried mushroom (soaked & julienned)
- 3 tbsps oyster sauce
- 2 tsps sesame oil
- 2 tsps Yeo’s Light Soya Sauce
Sub Ingredients
- 200g store-bought CharSiu Chicken (julienned)
- a dash of ground pepper
- 50g bean sprouts (cleaned & drained)
- 50g carrots (julienned)
- 100g cucumber (julienned)
- 2 sprigs coriander leaves (thinly sliced)
- 2 tsps toasted sesame seeds
初九 万寿延年(金旦面沙律)
- Cintan 风干面 2 块(川烫熟沥干)
- 蒜头 2 瓣(剁碎)
- 食油 2 汤匙
- 香菇 3 朵(浸泡切丝)
- 蚝油 3 汤匙
- 麻油 2 茶匙
- Yeo’s 生抽 2 茶匙
- 现买鸡肉叉烧 200 克(切丝)
- 胡椒粉少许
- 豆芽 50克(洗净)
- 红萝卜 50 克(切丝)
- 青瓜 100 克(切丝)
- 莞荽2束(切细)、烤芝麻2茶匙
- Boil Cintan Non Fried Noodles in hot water and drain.
- Heat oil in a wok or pan, sauté chopped garlic and the mushrooms till fragrant. Remove from wok.
- Combine the hot Cintan Non Fried Noodles, carrot and mushroom into a mixing bowl. Add in oyster sauce, sesame oil, Yeo’s Light Soya Sauce and pepper.
- Then add in all sub ingredients, mix well.
- Top with coriander leaves & sesame seeds just before serving.
- 将Cintan 风干面放入沸水中煮熟,捞出沥干水。
- 起锅热油,把蒜茸和香菇炒至香,盛出。
- 将Cintan 风干面放入大盆中,与红萝卜和香菇混合。加入蚝油,麻油、Yeo’s 生抽及胡椒粉拌匀。
- 然后加入所有配料混合均匀。
- 出桌前撒上莞荽叶和烤芝麻即可。